In most situations, a repair is the better option for your air conditioner, extending its life span and reducing your costs. However, there are certain situations when it really is more cost-effective to replace rather than repair an old unit.


Most air conditioners last between 10 and 15 years so if your AC is 15 and goes out, you may want to consider replacing it rather than keeping it going with a repair. The money you’ll save in energy bills with a newer, more efficient unit will help make up the cost of replacement. 

A general rule about when to replace or repair is the 50,000 rule. Take the age of the unit and multiply that by the cost of repairs, and if that number is more than 50,000, you should probably consider replacing the unit. For example, if your 10 year old air conditioner needs a Rs 4000 repair, that is 40,000, so it’s probably fine to repair it, but if that 15 year old system needs a Rs 4000 repair, it may just be time to invest in a new system.


Air conditioners have become much more energy-efficient over the past decade, and, according to Energy Star, replacing an AC that is more than 10 years old can save you up to 20 percent on your energy costs. If you’re tired of high energy bills and a system that can’t keep up with the temperature outside, we would probably recommend updating the system. 

Phased out Refrigerants

If your air conditioner needs coolant or has a coolant leak, and it takes R-22, also known as Freon, you’ll need to get a new unit. Due to environmental concerns, the Nepal Government in accordance to Montreal protocol has phased out Freon and it is no longer made nor accessible, so adding refrigerant and repairing a leak at this point may be more expensive than a whole new unit.

What to Expect When Replacing Your Air Conditioner?

If you have chosen to replace your air conditioner, we’ll do everything we can to make the experience quick and stress free. First, we’ll work with you to determine the right size and unit options to best serve your budget and comfort needs, and then we’ll set up a day and time that works with your schedule. 

The average AC replacement takes between four to eight hours, though it varies depending on whether ductwork needs to be repaired or electrical wiring requires updates from an electrician. The process includes removing coolant from the old system, taking it apart, and removing the old unit, but once that is complete, our team will begin the AC installation. After we’ve finished, we’ll make sure it’s running smoothly and clean up, leaving your home exactly as we arrived, only with a new, energy-efficient air conditioning system that will provide comfort for years to come!

Schedule An Estimate for AC Replacement Today

If you are ready to update your air conditioner and enjoy a comfortable, energy-efficient home, we can help. Reach out to us today at +977-01-5181106 or fill out the form below to schedule a technician to come out and provide a quote or learn more about our services.

For any issues related to Air conditioning and Air Conditioner problems, feel free to contact us.