Air conditioner repair, maintenance, and servicing are important jobs.

Avoid stressed scenario by keeping your air conditioner in proper condition. Such maintenance is termed popularly preventative maintenance. Here we will explain why you need to inspect and maintain the air conditioner for this summer.

We are open to serve our customers obeying all necessary guidelines...

We are open to serve our customers obeying all necessary guidelines during this difficult time.
indoor AC

“Engineering your indoor air” Everything about Air Conditioning

"Engineering your indoor air" Everything about Air Conditioning
indoor AC repair in Nepal

Make your room warm in this winter,

Make your room warm in this winter, buy Heat Pump with us. Air Conditioning is very reasonable financially and technically nowadays. Call us at 01-5181106
AC repair in Nepal

Air Conditioning your indoor turns out to be very proper investment

Air Conditioning your indoor turns out to be very proper investment

Now AC is also a Heat Pump.

Why this cold winter doesn't make you cool? Now we will make your environment hot to make you cool. Grab the limited but really exciting offers for you on this winter. Call us now. Any brands of Air Conditioner, HVAC systems, Cold Storage, Heat pumps.

How does Air Conditioner work?

Many people think that Air Conditioner system creates cold/hot Air. But Air conditioner don't create the cold or hot air. Instead, they work by removing the heat inside your house and transferring it outdoors or by taking the heat from outside and transferring the heat to inside.

History of Air Conditioner

In 1902 Willis H. Carrier had successfully used Air conditioners during his work. Hence he is also known as the father of air conditioning. But the word "Refrigeration" is used before by the people of Rome, Egypt, and Greece. Those people used to store the water or wine in the vessel of clay to preserve humidity and low temperature. In such a way, the foods used to remain safe for some more time.

एयर कण्डिसनरको संक्षिप्त इतिहास

सर्वप्रथम १९०२ मा विल्लिस एच क्यारियरले एयर कण्डिसनरको सफल प्रयोग गर्नु भएको थियो। यसैकार उहाँलाई एयर कण्डिसनरको पिता पनि भनिन्छ।

Heating your indoor is always more energy efficient with Air-

Heating your indoor is always more energy efficient with Air Conditioner in comparison to commonly used heating appliances.